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456 Elm Ave, Long Beach, CA 90802
Long Beach
United States


Shop hand crafted artisan treats by cake pop  maker Albert Daniel. Call us today for event, wedding, or that special occasion. 

It’s not just a treat, it’s an experience!

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Our Locations
Albert's Petite Sweets: Pickups and Storefront
Chapter II Coffee: Partner Location Storefront

Chocolate Egg-Making Classes with Chef Albert
April 12 & April 19 @ Partake Collective


Celebrate Easter early with Chef Albert, owner & creator of Albert’s Petite Sweets, as he teaches you how to make your own chocolate breakable egg filled with candy. Have fun making this special candy treat while enjoying complimentary samples of confections and an Easter photo opportunity with Chef Albert.


Shop Gifts

Thank you for choosing Albert’s Petite Sweets
We strive to create an edible art experience that sparks amazement, wonder, and fun.